Bearing Current Problems - Linqing Nine Star Bearing Science & Technology Co.,Ltd
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Bearing Current Problems


The vast majority of bearing failures in electric motors and electric motor-driven equipment are due to mechanical and thermal causes. However, currents that flow through induction motor bearings can also create premature bearing failure.

In across-the-line driven motors, current-related bearing failures can occur due to a flow of current internally generated in a motor. The increased use of variable speed drives (VSDs) in industrial and commercial electric motor applications is also a source of bearing current flow. It should be noted that inverter-induced bearing currents and premature bearing failures occur in a relatively small percentage of installations and applications. Nevertheless, it's best to be knowledgeable on the topic in the event you run across the problem one day.


Linqing Nine Star Bearing Science & Technology Co., Ltd            

(Insulated bearing, Hybrid ceramic bearing and  Brass cage DGBB)

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